Friday, April 1, 2016

Abbreviated Show Notes for HMOTD 026: Hold My Order After Dark

We're not doing a full-on set of Show Notes for this week's Season 2 wrap-up, but we wanted to share links to the webpages of all the podcasts we gave shout-outs to starting at 23:13 in this week's episode. Check these podcasts out during our hiatus!
Edit: We should also drop a link to Leah Biel's magnificent WKRP in Cincinnati tumblr; we met her in the early days of the podcast searching for WKRP resources online and she came up in the first page of search results. Thank you, Leah!

HMOTD 026: Hold My Order After Dark

Mike and Rob celebrate the second season of WKRP and the first anniversary of this podcast, with shoutouts to our favorite episodes, guests, other podcasts, and friends.

(Full show notes appear at Hold My Order, Terrible Dresser two days after each episode is released. All audio clips are the properties of their owners/creators and appear in this work of comment and critique under fair use provisions of copyright law.)

Check out this episode!